【Aug.2020】To Inner Mongolia-25Units of Dongfeng 6-wheel 6Tons 8CBM Compactor
Release date:2023-06-20 11:55:49 Source:xclauto
At the beginning of Aug.2020,25 units of dongfeng 6-wheel 6Tons 8CBM Compactor Garbage Trucks are lined up neatly in front of office building No. 8 like
soldiers.This batch of garbage compactor trucks are customized for domesti c client inner mongolia and will contribute to inner mongolia's city cleaning
25 Units of Dongfeng 6tons 8cbm compactor garbage truck
Client: Domesti c customer
project: Dongfeng 8cbm compactor garbage trucks
Year: 2020.8
Key points:
compactor garbage truck,garbage compactor truck,garbage truck,6tons garbage truck,5tons garbage truck,8m3 garbage compactor,garbage collecti on
truck,waste collecti on truck